A HAIR WAND! Yep that's right! So I was watching a tutorial on "hair" and I ran across a term that the woman used called a hair wand! I was totally intrigued and had to find out more! After googling and researching I came across something I could purchase at Ulta pretty quick to give it a try on a client that I had coming in the same day last week!
What I found was that our friends at Conair make this wonderful new styling iron that creates fantastic curls or waves! I was pretty amazed. It came with a heat glove, and I still managed to burn my fingers once or twice, but once I got the hang of it, I was REALLY on my way! NOW, what I loved best, was taking the hair wand and combining it with curls from a regular curing iron. WOW! Super cool, volume with lots of dimension! You have curls and waves and ultra dimensions! The perfect must have for your upcoming wedding! I am looking at a few others for larger type curls and waves, but for now, I am lovin this new product! Enjoy!


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