Ah memories! My friends and I used to get together as kids and do facials and makeovers, and then we would make music videos using our families 1 extra large video camera..remember those? We would laugh and giggle until midnight just having fun and making memories that I still cherish. Well, who says you still can't go back to those times as an adult and mom? 

Our second night on Hilton Head Island this week in our beautiful rental house, along with 5 kids and my sister and brother in law, on a pouring rainy evening, my sister in law, Janice and I found the magic of our youth at 11pm at night! Just after 9pm, we started on her makeover as the rain and thunder poured down over head and the kids settled (kinda) into watching TV and playing video games, while the men talked golf and the food (and wine) settled.
We started with a before shot of course....and then i unleashed the skills....LOL!

Around 11pm, we decided after many kicks and giggles in the large master bathroom upstairs (where the lighting is the best) taking after photos, that I would proceed with a hair makeover!

Janice has never tried the loose curls and I kept assuring her that she would fall in love with them fast!

I took a few shots so you could view the scene.... thrown on shirt (tag still on) curling irons everywhere, sitting on the bathroom counter.... of course we laugh hysterically every few minutes, at the silliness we have created.

Well, fast she did fall in love with those curls! It was not long before it was midnight and we were clawing through the master closet, found a cool grey shirt, ran down to my jewelry box and plucked out a necklace of pearls and silver. You might be wondering what the men are doing at this point, well, of course they think we had lost our minds, but no matter, the fun continued!

The best part is that these were actually taken in the master bath SHOWER! Ain't she purdy??
 I think she looks fabulous! So at 1:30 am, my head hit the pillow, thunder in the distance and a beauty mission accomplished!




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