I can not help but share and reflect back with you this week on my days as Mrs. Virginia-America from 2004!
 WHY? you ask? Well, this week my friend Jennifer is getting ready to complete at the Mrs. Virginia America pageant and I am so excited for her! Of course, I am her hired "BEAUTY GUN" for hair and makeup!! :) I thought it would be a little fun to show you my {horrible} photo from the Mrs. Virginia America web site. LOL!!!!!!!  In those days.....2004, I actually printed photos and really did not keep them on removable disk drives and such like I do now. PLUS, what was a blog back then? Anyway, I don't have a ton of photos floating around from my Mrs. VA America days. So this is whatcha gonna get!
I will be doing hair and makeup at the VA America Pageant Friday and Saturday for Interviews and Stage and I cant wait to show you some photos!! So be sure to check back this weekend!!
This is my {really bad} photo from the VA America web site! Oh well, makeup/hair...easy on the blush there joy...i did it myself!


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