 If your a bride and your seeking beauty then you have come to the right place! These are easy finds that you can  use on your wedding day or pre-wedding to get beautified on the cheap!

Remember last week I told you that I was going to FIND that long lasting lip stick on sale from Maybelline? I got it! be a FBJ BRIDE on a Budget you have to CLIP the beauty coupons each week out of the Sunday circular. Put them into a small pouch and stick them all in your purse. You have to have them at all times! You will need to pull them out when you see things that are on sale or something you see on the blog here that I have found! You will save a TON on your beauty!
I always tell my Brides that the best thing they can do for lip stick is to find a "colorstay" that wont kiss off during the ceremony! It will last into the reception and you will only need to gloss over it! SMART!
Over the past 2 weeks I have collected Covergirl $2.00 off any lip stick and Maybelline $2.00 off Superstay lip gloss. I had 4 coupons in all just waiting for the right moment. Be sure to read your coupons too...I had Covergirl and Maybelline. Often, although they are featuring a certain product on the coupon, it applies to ALL of their products, not always, but most of the time. So although my Maybelline ones said they were for the 24 hour colorstay, I still got it off the Maybelline16 hour. Today I arrived a CVS and low and behold they are running 50% and 75% off certain makeup brands/colors/products!! They do this a few times per year and I LOVE it! I took out my 4 coupons and here is the break down.....
With the 50% off my Covergirl double outlast came to $5.89- $2.00 coupon=$3.89! My Maybelline Superstay at 50% off came to 5.65-$2.00=$3.65!
Now I of course bought 4 since I do makeup for a living! BUT you could have gotten one for your big day for as little as $3.65! I bought shades: nude glaze, rose quartz, born with it, and tutu. ALL great Wedding day colors!!
SUPER!! On top of that I had to take advantage of the buy one get one free GOT2B Rock'in It  and GOT2B Guardian Angel Heat protectant for bridal hair.  I got both of these Schwartzkopf products for $7.29!

Not a bad beauty afternoon!!! GOOD LUCK!!!



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